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One Year Later...

It’s been 365 days since our lives changed forever. On March 13, 2020, NYC shut down for two weeks to flatten the curve. Schools, restaurants, theaters, gyms, businesses both big and small, all shuttered their doors to slow the spread of the Coronavirus. We entered a virtual world where schooling, sports, arts, family gatherings, and happy hours all took place online. We started wearing masks and limited our time outside. Zoom became a part of our everyday life. Little did we know it was the last time anyone or anything would feel normal as we know it for an exceptionally long time.

I decided to check in with our team kids and see how their lives have changed a year later. What did they learn about themselves? What was the hardest part of lockdown? How has gymnastics helped them cope with the isolation? And what activities are they looking forward to as they return a more “normal” life?

Kids are resilient. Hopefully someday the year they had to stay home from school and wear masks at gymnastics will be a distant memory. This group of young people will be able to pivot whenever life throws them a curveball. They’ve learned they are strong. They can adapt to change better than many adults. If there’s anything that 2020 taught us, it’s time to live in the moment. Take a deep breath and appreciate the small things.


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